The University of St. Francis offers a 20% tuition discount (*see below) to the following individuals:

  • Honorably Discharged Veterans who are no longer eligible for education assistance through the U.S. Veterans Administration programs
  • Spouses of Active Duty Military Personnel who are not eligible for any dependent education assistance through the U.S. Veterans Administration
  • Drilling members of the National Guard
  • Drilling members of the Reserves
  • Active Duty military personnel
  • Employees of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

The discount applies to students who are enrolled on either a full-time or part-time basis in graduate (master’s) degree programs and not eligible for any other discount programs at USF and not eligible for any educational assistance programs offered through the U.S. Veterans Administration.

USF Military Discount Verification Form

The USF Military Discount Verification form must be submitted to USF Veterans Certifying Official during each academic year of enrollment. It is the student’s responsibility to provide required documentation as stated above.  The tuition discount will not be processed and applied until the completed verification is received. Military Tuition Discount requests submitted after the term of enrollment has ended will not be honored. This discount may not be combined with any other type of USF tuition discount or assistance.

*Standard discount to all named individuals will be 20% of tuition.  Student is responsible for all applicable course and on-line fees.

Key Contacts

Veterans Discount Application
Please fill out the following form and hit the submit button. (* required Field)