Full-time, first-time, degree-seeking undergraduates by gender and race/ethnicity, and by those that received financial aid for athletics.

  • All graduation rates are based on six years or 150% of the normal time to achieve a degree.
  • Transfer-out information is not provided because it is not part of the mission of USF.
  • The following exclusions have been made to the cohorts: students who died or became permanently
    disabled, students who left school to serve in the armed forces or with a foreign aid service of the
    federal government, and students who left school to serve an official church mission.
  • We cannot disclose information on subcohort groups with fewer than five students; these students are included in the “Other” category when applicable.

Total 229 | 65% 

Male 94 | 57% 
White 43 | 65% 
African-American/Black 8 | 38% 
Hispanic 28 | 46% 
Other 15 | 67% 

Female 135 | 70% 
White 90 | 77% 
African-American/Black 8 | 75% 
Hispanic 27 | 59% 
Other 10 | 30% 

Athlete 91 | 70% 
Football 16 | 38% 
Basketball 4 | rate not shown when n<5 
Baseball 9 | 67% 
Cross Country/Track 16 | 69% 
All Other 46 | 85% 

Total 443 | 65% 

Male 196 | 60% 
White 99 | 66% 
African-American/Black 23 | 48% 
Hispanic 45 | 53% 
Other 27 | 63% 

Female 247 | 68% 
White 155 | 76% 
African-American/Black 17 | 65% 
Hispanic 60 | 62% 
Other 15 | 20% 

Athlete 191 | 71% 
Football 47 | 57% 
Basketball 17 | 65% 
Baseball 15 | 67% 
Cross Country/Track 33 | 64% 
All Other 79 | 85%

Total 181 | 65% 

Male 84 | 63% 
White 48 | 73% 
African American 7 | 43% 
Hispanic 18 | 39% 
Other 11 | 73%
Female 97 | 66% 
White 60 | 72% 
African American 4 * 
Hispanic 23 | 57% 
Other 10 | 70% 

Athlete 89 | 65% 
Football 20 | 60% 
Basketball 4 * 
Baseball 8 | 50% 
Cross Country/Track 15 | 67% 
All Other 42 | 67%

Total 397 | 62% 

Male 176 | 57% 
White 100 | 69% 
African American 22 | 27% 
Hispanic 33 | 39% 
Other 21 | 62% 

Female 221 | 66% 
White 142 | 74% 
African American 11 |27% 
Hispanic 50 | 52% 
Other 18 | 61% 

Athlete 197 | 65% 
Football 45 | 49% 
Basketball 10 | 80% 
Baseball 14 | 57% 
Cross Country/Track 41 | 66% 
All Other 87 | 74%