CLICK HERE to download a summary presentation on the  topics noted below.

  • Ability of Program Completers to Meet Licensing Requirements
  • Employment Rates
  • Graduation Rates
  • Satisfaction of Program Completers

Teacher Education Admission Requirements and Program Progression

The College of Education teacher education programs are organized into several assessment levels.  In conjunction with ongoing performance assessment, candidates are formally assessed at phases in their program in order to ensure they are qualified to continue into the next level of the program. Key transition points include entry into the program, entry into field experiences, and program completion. Each level includes required assessments such as performance-based field experience assessments, disposition assessments, and standardized tests. Criteria are more rigorous at each successive level and candidates must progress sequentially through the levels.

Candidates are required to meet the Assessment Level 2 admission criteria in order to be officially admitted to the Teacher Education Program.

Assessment Level 2: Admission to the Teacher Education Program

  • Minimum Overall GPA of 2.75
  • Minimum USF Education GPA of 3.00
  • Minimum of 60 Semester Hours Completed
  • Satisfactory Disposition Assessment