
Students may withdraw from the program/University at any time. A letter or email must be sent to the Program Director notifying him/her of plans to withdraw. The student must also complete the university withdrawal form found online from the USF registrar. This form, with signatures, must be returned to the Registrar’s Office.

If a student withdraws from the P.A. program and wishes to return, he/she must reapply through CASPA for possible matriculation the next year.

Leave of Absence

Students who must interrupt the program for reasons of prolonged illness or compelling personal reasons may apply for a leave of absence. Requests for leave of absence (medical, personal, or family) must be submitted in writing to the P.A. program director and approved by the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. A leave of absence may be granted for a period of no more than one year during the didactic phase or two (2) consecutive clinical rotations during the clinical phase of the curriculum. Students MUST complete the P.A. program within 39 months from matriculation.

Didactic phase:

A short-term leave of absence is two (2) weeks or less in duration.  If the leave is for medical reasons, a signed physician note stating the student is able to return to class is required prior to re-admittance. The student is responsible for all missed lectures, assignments, and exams during the time of the leave of absence. Only two (2) short-term leave of absences will be approved during the didactic phase of the program.

A long-term leave of absence is any request that is greater than two (2) weeks in duration. Since the program is a fast-paced, sequential program, the student will not be able to catch up.  In this situation, the student may decelerate to the next cohort. The student will reseat in January with the incoming class. Returning P.A. students in “guest” status will be required to repeat course sequences in effect at the time of reentry and must comply with all policies and requirements in effect at the time of reentry. All “guest” courses will be Pass/Fail, requiring a “C” or higher final course grade. The “guest” final course grades do not replace previous posted final course grades. Tuition and fees are waived until the returning student reaches the quarter where deceleration occurred. Faculty and the P.A. program director reserve the right to make recommendations to the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and the provost regarding individual student issues and difficulties and the application of leave of absence and deceleration policies.

Clinical phase:

Clinical rotations are six (6) weeks in duration. Due to the hour requirements of the rotation, a short-term leave of absence is not available. If the student needs to take a leave of absence, the rotation will be cancelled and rescheduled at a later date. A student may request a leave of absence for no more than two (2) consecutive rotations during the clinical year.