Academic standing is established at the end of each quarter for degree-seeking students as a result of a minimum cumulative grade point average. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 based on grades earned at USF is required for graduation. At the end of each term, the following guidelines are used for reviewing academic performance/cumulative grade point average:

Good Standing: A student with a minimum cumulative GPA of B (3.0 GPA). A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for progression from the didactic year to the clinical training year and for graduation from this program.

Academic Probation: Graduate students whose GPA falls below the required 3.0 are placed on academic probation. Students will have one (1) didactic quarter or two (2) successive clinical rotations to raise their GPA to 3.0 or be subject to dismissal.

Academic Dismissal: Students will be liable for dismissal when…

  1. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 is not earned by the end of the didactic phase or at the end of the clinical learning year.
  2. A student fails to achieve the plans and outcomes listed in a course failure remediation worksheet.
  3. A student on Academic Probation fails to raise their GPA to 3.0 or higher the following quarter or after 2 successive clinical rotations.
  4. A student receives a second “F” in didactic courses and/or clinical rotations.
  5. A student posts more than three (3) classes with a grade of “C” applied toward fulfilling graduation requirements. Students that receive a fourth course grade of “C” will be dismissed from the program. Any posted “F” is considered a “C” when calculating number of posted “Cs”.

Non-academic Dismissal: Students may be dismissed for reasons other than academic deficiency. Causes for non-academic dismissal may include violation of University rules and/or state or federal law, moral turpitude, unprofessional behavior, criminal activity, or other reasons as defined by USF.

The University reserves the right, and the student, by the act of matriculation, concedes to the University the right to require withdrawal at any time the University deems it necessary to safeguard the standards of scholarship, conduct, and compliance with regulations, or for such other reasons deemed appropriate by the University as set forth in this manual and University Academic Catalog.