These stats reflect data from the previous, full academic year.
- Total Enrollment: 3,185
- Undergraduate:
1,084 Full-time
54 Part-time - Graduate/Doctoral: 1,879
- Adult Undergraduate: 168
Student Body (traditional undergraduate students)
- 65% Women | 35% Men
- Race:
47% White
32% Hispanic/Latino
10% African-American
8% Other or Unknown
4% Asian - 38% Catholic
42% Other, Unknown or None
31% Other Christian - Residence Status:
25% of undergraduate students and 36% of first-year students live on campus
Campus Housing
- Beds: 451 (Includes singles, doubles, suites, apartments in three residence halls.)
- 83 full-time; 215 part-time faculty members
- 75% of full-time faculty members have terminal degrees
Class Size
- Average Class Size: 13.1 students
Tuition & Housing
- Tuition & Mandatory Fees: $37,000
- Adult Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctoral and Certificate Program Cost:
From $420 to $799 per credit hour - Housing Fees for Double Occupancy, Including Full-Year Meal Plan:
Marian Hall $11,980
Tower Hall $11,160
Motherhouse $12,160
- Over 100 scholarships and grant opportunities.
- Annual scholarships for first-year students up to full tuition annually.
- Transfer scholarships up to $13,000 annually.
- Phi Theta Kappa scholarships up to $15,000 annually.
- Over $60,000 was awarded to students through donor-funded scholarships.
Financial Aid
- 98% of incoming freshmen received some financial assistance.
- $22 million total in USF scholarships and grants.
- $21 million in student support from federal, state and other sources for freshmen & transfers.
- Average gift assistance package for first-year students:
$28,434 residents
$24,209 commuters - Average transfer assistance package:
$25,294 residents
$19,393 commuters
Mission & Faith
- Roman Catholic, guided by Franciscan charism.
- Patron saints are Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi.
- University Ministry offers weekday and Sunday Masses, multi-faith prayer opportunities and activities, service experiences and retreats.
- Peer Ministers & multicultural assistants engage fellow students with opportunities to build community and develop lives of faith and service.